Monday, February 27, 2006

P.C. Angie MacKinnon and Brig, last winter. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am deeply move by the site I just viewed...and of course very upset by the senseless MURDER of a wonderful animal. We all run the risk of removing ourselves from emotion because of our busy lives, "it's sad but its only a horse thank God the rider was not injured". Somewhere along the line we lost our passion, our caring. Maybe you consider this just a beast and therefore not worthy of your time, I say you are too involved in the rat race. This was a animal with no other purpose than to serve its rider. To do as it was trained, and in doing so it lost its life. This is a creature that can not have told us all the things it wanted to as it was dying....I wonder what he would have said? Lets us all be the voice he didn't have. Thank you Toronto for respecting him and showing him a proper send off.

The Cuyler Family

7:53 am  

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