I just thought you all should see this website set up by Greg Adams, an American whose heart was touched by Brig's story so much that he has spent the last few months working on a tribute for him. Loads of people donated their time to putting it all together and it really is beautiful.
It's best viewed in Internet Explorer. I don't think the text works in Netscape.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, yet these series of moving images, (in all senses of the word "moving"), bring pain, joy, sadness and happiness all at once. As founder of Brigadier's Law I had assumed that by now I was able to be immune to the images; thank you for reminding me that I am not, and giving me new found strength to continue on in the battle to ensure this senseless loss never happens again.
Thank you for this truly beautiful video.
Dan Sandor
What an amazing tribute. I hope this law is passed; Brigadier should not have died in vain. If we as humans feel the need to train animals to work with us and for us, then we have an obligation to keep them safe and punish those who deliberately set out to hurt them.
We must never forget Brig and the legacy he has left behind.
Just when I think I have gotten over the death of this beautiful animal, this incredible video comes along and breaks my heart all over again. I couldn't have said it any better than Dan Sandor in his comments. The sacrifice this incredible animal made should never be forgotten, and in the hearts and minds of so many of us, it never will be. Rest in peace Brig.
This video too is no longer available when you click on it. WHy can the crap stay on thw web to be viewed forever, and the good stuff disappear?? Please make it available again.
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