Monday, February 27, 2006

Brig, looking noble and handsome, last week. 

The Horses Prayer

I pray thee, Master, to care for me through long winter days and nights
when I can no longer earn my keep.
Feed me and keep me, and give me a good warm bed, that I may keep well,
and duly repay all your kindness when Trail Riding season returns once more.

Treat me kindly. Do not beat me when I do not understand what you want me to do, but watch me, please, and see if I might not be ill...
my back, shoulders, or feet may be sore.

Remember that I cannot go my own way, but must obey your commands, My Master,
and that I serve you well and faithfully, to the best of my ability.
Please, Master, have mercy on me. Protect me from the hot sun, the fall rain, and winters' ice and snow.

Remember that horses have long been the servants of man throughout the ages.
We have pulled the prairie schooners from sea to shining sea.
Plowed the new fields, that man might grow the food to keep body and soul together.
We helped build the mighty railroads; stayed with the cowboys
through his long night watch under the lonely stars.
We died heroically with man on the battlefield of nations.

I shall do my part, for I have learned to love thee well.
So, My Master, when I am old and can no longer perform on the trail, and thus have served you profitably, please do not turn me out to starve,
or sell me to some cruel man.

But let me die at the beloved hands of My Master, and God will bless thee.

author unknown

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 'Beast' who did this to Horse and Rider should be charged with Murder and attempted Murder

12:51 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I AGREE 100%

10:15 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Better yet. Let every single person who has been affected by this have a go at him. Tie the bugger up and let each of us poke him with a big stick.

8:02 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Instead of handing out sticks for vengeance hand out minivans! We'll even give the murderer a head start!

9:22 pm  

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