a year later...
and the anger doesn't really die, does it? Nor the frustration with our legal system that keeps putting dangerous losers back on the street.
Anyway, a terrific Toronto writer, Ward McBurney has written a beautiful article on the Toronto Police Mounted Unit. Give it a read.
1-8-08 I am sorry for your lose of your friend. I had read your blog from top to bottom and balled my eyes out. I know your lose personally. I had to put down a filly of mine. She had a broken leg. I wast ready to let go. I also share your anger. That man should have gotten a jail sentence for such a ruthless crime. He had a choice to keep on going or turn around.
Did you find a replacement for Brigadier's stall? I know the horse in your heart can never be replaced.
What a magnificent photograph in your blog column. Is that a photo of the finished sculpture of Brigadier, or a live person and horse? I would have loved to have read the article/blog that this post directed me to, but I tried twice, and the link lead me to a Health Care blog with a note that the post was no longer available. I am still interested in reading the article. Does anyone have it in a file? Can they reattach it or post it individually so others can still read it? But for me, could someone please email it directly to me at marciaskier@att.net. Thank you in advance for that, and extend my thanks to all of you for your service.
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