Monday, February 27, 2006

Brigadier in full flight with P.C. Ron Gilbert riding. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love horse's as much as a lot of people do and when i heard that brigadier died i started to think to myself that why would it be that such a wonderful horse's for poeple could pass away

9:14 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What beautiful memories you have of Brigadier and probably so many other patrol members, both human and animal. I cried ......... so you must have tears on your keyboard. The site is a wonderful tribute and will prove to affirm the strength of the human-animal bond. Your photo of Brigadier and his rider cantering into the sunlight reminds me very much of the painting done in tribute to the four fallen RCMP officers: a female officer mounted on her horse, both with heads down while four black steeds race off with joy into the distance. I can imagine a similar depth of feeling will be expressed, felt and conveyed to Const. Kevin Bradfield and every member, worker or visitor of the Toronto Police Mounted Unit. Brigadier died in the performance of his duty and will not be forgotten. Val Carp, Ontario

6:29 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't personally know this special horse...Brigadier...but this is a beautiful tribute in his honour. I see that he must have been one very special guy. Knowing well what bonds we develop when living/working with these kindly noble creatures, and how some of them are 'extra-special'...I can imagine how all of you that knew him closely in that way must feel at the emptiness without him in your lives. I can tell he touched alot of hearts in a deep and special way.
With you in spirit as you all grieve the loss of your friend and partner.

Phoebe and the Horses of Tanglewood. Powell River BC Canada

12:52 am  

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