Thursday, January 10, 2008

Laid to rest

A private ceremony today in Uxbridge, to lay the ashes of poor Brigadier to rest. Just the people who were there the night he was killed, gathered to say goodbye.

It's a beautiful spot in the hills of Durham County, called Thistledown Pet Memorial.


Blogger Vanness Studio 21 said...

Dear Anne,
I have been following the story of Brigadier for these years & just found your blog tonight! What an amazing & beautiful tribute you have created for him & the cause! Your photos/blog are nothing short of superb!

So you know, I am an award winning photographer & artist and also an AQHA industry breeder for over 50 years. I know firsthand of the loyalty & dedication a horse can possess.Your blog had me in tears,all over again. How dearly beautiful!!!

I can only write so much here, so to make a long story short, I would like to use at a max 3 of your photos of Brigadier for a personal art layout challenge & dedicate the page to B. & credits to you. I would also like to link your blog to my website. See, (under construction presently).You may respond to my e-mail below. Am re-vamping my blog, so that is under construction also. Please respond soon as I have a deadline. I have more to tell you, but this space is limited. Kindest regards,
Charlene Vanness

I can send you the art piece when it is finished or the draft of it as it is today.
Yes, I can create this layout with my own horse photography, but Brigadier's story truly means something & will reach a significant audience. Please advise.

P.S. One year, Anne, while showing at Quarterama, my mare was injured going up the ramps at the fairgrounds. The vets advised we keep her on the first floor with the Mounted Division Horses. My show mare was stalled with the Division horses for 1 and 1/2 weeks, until she could travel back home to Michigan
& was treated in Toronto like royalty. I can not tell you of the profound impression the officers & their care for their horses has left me with to this day. I was 20 years old when we were stalled with them and this memory is probably one of my very finest. Although, I had sheets & blankets for my mare, I came in early one morning to find her with the mounted divisions "dark blue" blanket on top of her also! It was so cold, someone came in during the night & added one of their own!

Again, your blog was indeed a treasure to find!


12:55 am  
Blogger Anne said...

Charlene, I don't see your email address to respond!! Please email me at

8:45 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe its been nearly two years. Brigadier's memory stays bright for those of us who understand how special horse's are.

7:33 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh I just read Brigadier's story and found this blog today 12/15/08 - what a magnificent and beautiful creature. I have no words right now (((choking on tears)))

4:57 pm  
Anonymous Debra said...

I remember seeing the tragic story of Brigadier's accident on the news. I guess it was not really an accident because the guy intentionally ran his vehicle into the officer and his horse. I am also angry to hear about the lame sentence the driver got. I agree, we need stricter laws protecting innocent animals such as Brigadier.

I sent a card from Edmonton, Alberta to the Mounted Unit. I have also just read a book written by one of our local authors, Judy Andrekson. The title of her book; Brigadier Gentle Hero. It is a children's book beautifully written about Brigadier's life. Through her book, I have gotten to know the horse and the people close to him.

I am so sorry for their loss.


10:29 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Is there any more news on the man that killed Brigadier? I seem to recall that he only got a light judicial slap on the wrist. Any news on Brigadier's Law?

1:18 am  
Blogger Anne said...

The latest news on this sad story is here:

9:26 am  

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